Module 1: Person-centred care and rehabilitation before and after SOT
The foundation of rehabilitation after Solid Organ Transplantation is that a life that is saved should also be lived. Person-centred care is the basic approach in rehabilitation regardless of indication, condition or disease/disability. The mission is planned, person-centred and goal-oriented rehabilitation. Key elements are self-management and patient empowerment based on the premise that you don’t passively receive rehabilitation as an organ recipient but receives support from the interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary team. As a person you make or carry through rehabilitation by means of an active process in collaboration with the professional team.
Rehabilitation can either be provided interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary. In interdisciplinary rehabilitation different health care professionals collaborate through a horizontal communication and interaction where the organ recipient becomes a valid partner of the team. When multidisciplinary rehabilitation is provided, the organ recipient consults different members of the rehabilitation team independently. However, there are no concurrent goals integrated with the different professionals in the team. Instead the rehabilitation process is evaluated through occasional team rounds.
There is a need for both interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary rehabilitation after organ transplantation. To enhance knowledge and skills among transplant professionals regarding how to organise rehabilitation a course is developed by ETAHP also promotion the team approach towards in transplant care.
Learning objectives:
After finalising this module, participants will be able to:
- understand the relationship between person-centred care and rehabilitation
- outline and defend the basic principles of rehabilitation
- describe the specific methodological steps of rehabilitation
- present how to assess rehabilitation needs after solid organ transplantation
- outline the essentials of goal setting in rehabilitation
- distinguish between interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary rehabilitation and present a plan for rehabilitation needs after solid organ transplantation
- advocate the team approach towards post-transplant rehabilitation.
To obtain your credits, please complete the EACCME evaluation survey located under the tab "EACCME evaluation survey" in each module.
Module 2: Physical activity, exercise and training before and after SOT
The evidence and knowledge about physical activity and exercise recommendation in solid transplantation is growing. Physical activity and exercise play a crucial role in maintaining and improving cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength and is beneficial on short- and long-term health outcomes. Despite these health effects, maintaining daily physical activity remains a challenge for transplant candidates and recipients. In this module the most important exercise goals and recommendations in transplantation management care will be discussed.
Learning objectives:
After finalising this module, participants will be able to:
- name the benefits of physical activity and exercise before and after Solid Organ Transplantation
- recognise the differences between physical activity and exercise training before and after Solid Organ Transplantation
- recognise pre-operative exercise goals prior to Solid Organ Transplantation
- recognise post-operative exercise goals in the clinical phase after Solid Organ Transplantation
- recognise post-operative exercise goals in the post-clinical phase after Solid Organ Transplantation.
To obtain your credits, please complete the EACCME evaluation survey located under the tab "EACCME evaluation survey" in each module.
Module 5: Emotional and social well-being after SOT
The evidence and knowledge about phycological evaluation and assistance recommendation in solid organ transplantation are growing. The psychopathology or insufficient internal and external psychological resources of the patient can lead to poor quality of life and can impact adherence to post-transplant pharmacological treatment and survival. In this module, psychological evaluation and intervention in the pre- and post-transplant period will be discussed.
Learning objectives:
After finalising this module, participants will have:
- knowledge of the psychological aspects before and after SOT and their implications for patients and for medical adherence knowledge of the impact of psychological aspects in the quality of life
- understanding of the goals of psychological evaluation and criteria
- knowledge of the psychological tools for assessing the psychological aspects, cognitive status, and quality of life of patients
- ability to analyse the role of caregivers in improving the well being of patients and their families
- knowledge of the methods of treatment of psychological problems after SOT.
To obtain your credits, please complete the EACCME evaluation survey located under the tab "EACCME evaluation survey" in each module.