Kidney Transplantation
Case Studies
Multi-disciplinary team discussion – decision making
- Lorna Marson, Transplant Surgeon, Edinburgh, UK
- Dr Mortimer Kelleher, Consultant Transplant Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, UK
- Christophe Legendre, Professor of Nephrology at Université Paris Descartes and head of the Nephrology-Adult kidney transplantation unit at Hôpital Necker, Paris, France
- John Forsythe, Medical Director Organ Donation & Transplantation UK
These case studies will examine difficult decision making about listing for renal transplantation. They will be presented in the style of a multidisciplinary meeting, at which cases will be discussed with a panel of experts. This contribution consists of three individual videos.
YOUR CASE STUDIESTo list or not to list - Case 1
To list or not to list - Case 2
To list or not to list - Case 3
Challenging organ offer
- Lorna Marson, Transplant Surgeon, Edinburgh, UK
- Nick Torpey, Nephrologist, Cambridge, UK
- Lucrezia Furian, Transplant Surgeon, Padua, Italy
In these case studies, challenging organs are offered to our experts to discuss whether or not they should be accepted for transplantation. The cases highlight the need to give careful consideration of risk to the recipient, and that clinicians will accept different levels of risk depending on recipient characteristics. This contribution consists of two individual videos. Start the video by clicking on the play button. You can put the video in full screen mode by clicking the icon at the bottom right. By clicking on the next button at the bottom right of the page, go to the next page. We hope you enjoy this lecture.YOUR CASE STUDIESChallenging organ offer - Case1
Challenging organ offer - Case2
Surgical tricks and tips in renal transplantation from a panel of experts
- Jeff Lafranca , MD PhD, Young Professionals in Transplantation (YPT) Board Member
- Jonny Olsburgh, Transplant & Urology Surgeon, London, UK
- Nizam Mamode, Professor of Transplant Surgery
- John Forsythe, Medical Director Organ Donation & Transplantation UK
As surgeons we face technical and management challenges, and in this contribution, Jeff Lafranca, a board member of the YPT was provided with the opportunity to ask a team of senior surgeons including Jonny Olsburgh, Nizam Mamode and John Forsythe some challenging questions about their own challenges.YOUR CASE STUDIESHow to tell a procurement surgeon he/she has done a poor job?
What to do if renal parameters are bad on a good kidney?
What if arterial flow is poor after reperfusion?
Separate anastomosis or bench reconstruction in case of vascular multiplicity?