Covid-19 resources
Prevention and Treatments of Covid-19 in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
This webinar, in collaboration with Union Therapeutics, will provide the community with a comprehensive programme exploring the role of Covid-19 in organ transplantation recipients, including its impact, the effectiveness of vaccination, treatments and the use of organs from donors with active covid-19 infection.Management of Transplant Programs during the COVID-19 Pandemic - part I
Management of Transplant Programs during the COVID-19 Pandemic - part II
Management of Transplant Programs during the COVID-19 Pandemic - part III
The COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learnt from Italy
Liver transplantation and COVID-19: a joint ESOT-ELITA, ILTS, and EASL project
Coping with uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic
Coping with uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic - Q&A session with Anna Forsberg and Peter Carstedt
Coping with uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic - Q&A session with Marjo Lehtonen and Giuseppe Feltrin